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20th Anniversary Prix HSBC pour la Photographie : Henry


In 1996, the Prix HSBC pour la Photographie (then named the Prix de la Fondation CCF pour la Photographie) named its first two winners, Eric Prinvault and Henry Ray. For the inaugural edition, Christian Caujolle was chosen to be the artistic advisor. Henry Ray (born Thierry Ray) died in 2004 at 48. Today we’re paying him tribute by sharing his award-winning work on the Amazon and Brazil.

For the retrospective of the 20th anniversary of the Prix HSBC pour la Photographie, L’Oeil de la Photographie will be presenting you every week with two “episodes,” introducing you to the past winners of the prize and where they are now.

When a photographer chooses a place of preference, creating a homeland of images, it is often followed by stories which feed a passion that is not justified by a gaze, or by the capacity of the country, but of a culture that resounds with the mental images of those discovered. It is partly the story of Henry Ray which confronts his need for photography which has become a passion (and a need) to understand Brazil and to pay tribute to its people.”
Christian Caujolle – Conseiller artistique 1996

Monographie Henry Ray
Editions Actes Sud
ISBN : 2-7427-0857-X

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