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Riley Arthur – Diners


Globally, diners are considered a quintessential symbol of Americana. Unfortunately, rising rents, changing tastes, and gentrification are rapidly killing the American diner. They are most endangered in New York City where real estate is premium and small businesses are swiftly replaced by corporate chains. Where once there were thousands, the number of diners in NYC has now dwindled to a few hundred. Diners are a part of an American culinary and architectural landscape. They are a dynamic part of the city’s fabric that is rapidly disappearing. Many New York City diners are landmarks, staples of their communities for forty to a hundred years, making them some of the oldest restaurants in the city. Almost all are endangered. Closures are increasingly frequent. This project is a living archive as well as an historical one. It captures the architecture, communities, and culture around each diner. This is the first time a photographer has documented every diner in New York.

The final project will be in the form of a photo book, and I’m currently seeking a publisher and gallery representation. 

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