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Francesca Pompei – The Forbidden City. The theater of old memories


25 miles from Berlin, the East German military camp of Wünsdorf, city headquarter to the Nazis and then the Soviets, was once home to 75,000 Soviet men, women and children.

Now ‘Little Moscow’, the biggest Soviet military camp outside the USSR, has been quickly abandoned after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the reunification of Germany.

Headquarters of the Soviet military forces in Germany, a city in the forest, aka the ‘Forbidden City, was firstly the Nazis’ underground bunker headquarters for the German Wehrmacht and Army’s High Command, home to the sophisticated Zeppelin communications bunker that sent commands to German forces during WWII.

But this story is a long one. Six years after the formation of the German Empire in 1871, it was established as a military area of the Imperial German and Prussian Army.

The Red Army arrived here on April 20 1945, taking place until the collapse of the East Germany.

The Little Moscow was provided with every comfort and facilities for the pleasure and relax of the army, including a theater.

Now the site and the backstage have uneven surfaces, broken glass, debris and it is difficult to access.

Nevertheless there is still plenty of life: the echoes of the actors, the austerity of the audience, the creaking of the stage still float in the dusty air of this unique place.

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