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Veronica Nardulli


I always thought that was something surreal fiction, fiction and truth that would represent at the same time. Many artists who have worked and are working with photography have made ​​deceit authentic. Looking at these pictures instead we are led to another kind of fiction: the observer part confused, are paintings or photo is a true representation? For this I was inspired by photographers, but also artists such as Magritte and fictions of cinematographic G. Crewdson. The fireflies instead form the backdrop, adorn these images as if they were the brush strokes in a dreamscape.

I chose the night because it suggests, does not show. night disturbs us and surprises us by its very strangeness, free those forces within us which day are dominated by reason. Freud’s interpretation of dreams wrote: “seems confined to the nightlife that which once dominated in broad daylight.” The surrealism of my pictures is none other than the real made ​​by the fantastic vision. I did not try to express that reality because nothing is more surreal it.

Veronica Nardulli

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