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Regard de Femmes : iPhotographie


The introduction of cellular phone cameras revolutionized photography, changing its status. Conversational and communicative, mobile phone photography comes with its own aesthetic. Tribegram* has organized an exhibition on women and their use of cell phone photography. On December 6, 8 and 13, twelve iPhone artists will exhibit their work at Flateurville in Paris.

*Tribegram is a social network with more than 100 mobile phone photographers, mostly French, which will expands its operations in 2013 to become a photo sharing and storage site.

Artists exhibited : Ornella Ascolese, Séverine Bourlet, Eloïse Capet, Agnès L., Nathalie Geffroy, Meredith Gey, KC, Joelle Meyers, Céline, Odrelom, Latife Solak et Laura Prospero.

Regards de femmes
Women and Mobile Phone Photography
December 6 – 8 and 13, 2012
Le Hangar de Marcel
24, cour des petites écuries
75010 Paris

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