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All archives of The Eye of Photography are classified by theme in this section. It contains various articles about photography art, exclusive interviews of famous photographers, an economic section, public or private collections presentations along with the latest trends in the photography world which are to be discovered in the magazine.

Lianzhou Foto Festival 2014

Spectacle and Blindness The theme for this year festival «  Staging Encounters » , ask a combination of the following important questions : where and when does this encounter occur ? Between whom ? What kind…

Lianzhou Foto Festival 2014

Face and PortraitureIn comparaison to grand historical narratives and group representations of « the people », individual portraiture sometimes constitutes a greater visual « pressure », due to its ability to draw even closer…

Lianzhou Foto Festival 2014

Memory and Allegory Yang Chen’s « Leave » present a shorter narrative structure. After  the house is emptied, the imprints of former existence remain on blank walls ? The empty walls, absent of objects,…

New York: Ruven Afanador

From now through February 28th, 2015, Throckmorton Fine Arts will be exhibiting the Ruven Afanador’s series Ángel Gitano, a series about men in the world of flamenco music. (The work…


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