This is the nineteenth dialogue in the Ettore Molinario Collection. Perhaps an extreme encounter, as such is the life and work of Pierre Molinier, an […]…
Author Ettore Molinario
This is the eigthteenth dialogue in the Ettore Molinario Collection. A dialogue from which my passion for photography derives and so my constant reliance on […]…
This is the seventeenth dialogue in the Ettore Molinario Collection. A dialogue that brings together two of the artists I love most in my collection: […]…
This is the sixteenth dialogue in the Ettore Molinario Collection. A dialogue dedicated to that stage of voluptuousness and feminine personality that shoes represent. […]…
This is the fifteenth dialogue of the Ettore Molinario Collection. A dialogue dedicated to the theme of the wounds that rip our body apart […]…
This is the fourteenth dialogue of the Ettore Molinario Collection. A dialogue that pays homage to Aby Warburg and his studies on the memory of […]…
This is the thirteenth dialogue of the Ettore Molinario Collection. A dialogue dedicated to that painful, yet conciliatory gesture, which is the tear. On the ragged […]…
This is the twelfth dialogue of the Ettore Molinario Collection. A dialogue that speaks of the moon and the woman who most of all has […]…
This is the eleventh dialogue of the Ettore Molinario Collection. A dialogue on the truth of emotions and their scientific representation. A dialogue between distant […]…