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Art Paper : Vincent Ferrané : Inner


Is the title of this series the first segment of a phrase such as inner circle, inner room, or inner light ? Looking at these images made of body fragments, of a face and of daily gestures that a permanent sun cuts out and includes in the room of a living space, we will simply understand that it is a question of interior, interiority and intimacy that can be shared with someone.

From dental surgeon to photographer, Vincent Ferrané spent his first days being a photographer in the library, studying the history of photography, where he seems to have learned about the importance of relationships, as well as the importance of the voice and the silence that we can see now in his work.

Vincent Ferrané is represented by Modds


Vincent Ferrané : Inner
Art Paper
Poids 572 g / Dimensions 22.5 x 32.5 cm / 48 pages
ISBN 9789493146945
Prix : 40 euros

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