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Vicky Hodgson


Vicky Hodgson photographs her peers – older women. Her work explores the identity of the older woman and seeks to challenge stereotypical representations. She is particularly interested in their appearance and the work and activities they engage in.

In these situational, documentary portraits Hodgson explores the identity of women over the age of 60, and challenges the notion that older women are inactive by photographing them in their place of work. Here, she has photographed women in a variety of situations, from the office, to the courtroom, the supermarket and the hospital. The women photographed have, regardless of their financial situation, chosen to work past retirement age and the oldest woman photographed is aged 91.

Vicky Hodgson is 62 and lives in the West Midlands, United Kingdom. She graduated with a MA in Photographic Studies from the University of Westminster, London, in 2010.

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