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Sergen Sehitoglu –0dB


The decibel (dB) is a unit that indicates the ratio of a physical quantity (usually power or intensity) relative to a specified or implied reference level. Decibel is always a comparison between two values. As a result of this, even though the measured values differentiate, a decibel unit is the same. It is generally assumed to be a sound unit; but more accurately a decibel is used in acoustics to quantify sound pressures. In this literature, 0 dB is defined as the human threshold of hearing.

This project is a summary of my relationship with my photography which is closer to me than myself. Both senses are stimulated in these images by forcing people to hear the unseen. They have the inconvenience of your inability to hear something.
Silent images in silent places. Silence is the common point of my shooting, choosing and thinking process.

0 dB is a situation related with human limitation which means the boundaries. These boundaries are surrounded with words and experiences. People are unable to dream the unseen, unable to listen to the unheard. Therefore, we just need to push our minds to dream of what the words and voices behind the boundaries are saying. We call “0” for our lowest level of hearing. We define the bottom line regarding our boundaries skipping the unheard sounds that surround us, being unaware of the sounds of ideas and memories.

Sergen Sehitoglu, born 1980 in Istanbul, Turkey. Lives in Istanbul.

Weekend portfolio selected by David Friend.

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