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Book : україна la frontière by Joseph Charroy


The Lamaindonne Editions presents the work of Joseph Charroy entitled “Ukraine, україна the border. “A book of 80 pages with 50 photographs taken during a trip to Ukraine.

Summer 2013. I leave for Ukraine with Florence. No specific purpose. We improvise. Kiev. Night train to the Crimea. You reach Vlad and Anna in Simferopol. Together we spend time at the seaside. We walk a lot. We sleep outside. It’s very hot.We move often. Then both go on to the  western part . Odessa, Vylkovo, Carpathians, Lviv. Some meetings. Several weeks of wandering. Without understanding the language. Amazed by everything we see. Images testify of the strange atmosphere of a country, a country  “in-between”. Etymologically, Ukraine (Україна) means the border.

україна la frontière by Joseph Charroy
éditions lamaindonne
16,8 x 23 cm
80 pages       
25 euros

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