The exhibition-installation Rien ici qui demeure (Nothing Here That Remains) is a dive into the troubled depths of dormant images that Alain Willaume has […]…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
This Autumn, Museo Picasso Málaga is presenting The Paris of Brassaï. Photographs of the City Picasso Loved. The exhibition displays the work of one of […]…
Lucien Chauffard, mentor and friend of Robert Doisneau! The first festival “TEMPS D’EXPO” which takes place in Pézenas from October 20th to November 2nd, […]…
Nadia Ferroukhi presents Les Matriarches at the Atelier/Galerie Taylor in Paris. An eponymous book is published by the editions Albin Michel. Right to education, […]…
by Igor Manko The aim of the Kharkiv School of Photography: from Soviet censorship to new aesthetics project is to provide an historical awareness […]…
by Alina Sanduliak Whereas in Europe and America of the 1960s through 1980s, photographers were free to choose to document any aspect of everyday […]…
by Guennadi Maslov It was not graffiti as we think of it. Rather very short phrases reminiscent of the party slogans: WORK WHERE — […]…
The Magnum Gallery in Paris presents Bruce Davidson & Khalik Allah: New York from October 21st to December 18th 2021. The exhibition inaugurates Paris’ […]…
teNeues presents Shades Of Sensuality, the new book by Tina Trumpp. She shared her preface with us. The exploration of the female nude is […]…