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Al Lapkovsky : Disconnecting Connection


Once upon a time in those clothes lit by the blueish light used to be a person.
According to various studies, some kids spend an average of 7.5 hours in front of screens each day. That’s right –7.5 hours. That’s about as much time most adults spend at work each day. Teens now spend up to nine hours a day on social platforms alone. Astonishingly, the average person will spend nearly two hours (approximately 116 minutes) on social media everyday, which translates toa total of 5 years and 4 months spent over a lifetime. Currently, total time spent on social media beats time spent eating and drinking, socializing, and grooming. The realization of how much the average person actually spends on social media comes into sharper focus when comparing the figure (five years and four months) to the one year and three months we will spend over a lifetime socializing with friends and family in real life.We are disappearing, cease to exist, perish. We can’t imagine our lives without the blue screens. We are bombarded with news, updates and statuses. We’ve got thousands of friends and yet we are alone. We are semi-transparent, lost in the blue light of useless information and a fake feeling of belonging.
The main goal of this project is to illustrate how we keep disconnecting from the reality around us at any given moment and becoming engaged in something that is perhaps real but not that important and relevant right now; How we just by the nature of habit choose more often to look at the screen instead of looking around, to text someone instead of talking to a person sitting in front of us; How our mind becomes global in the sense that we can engage in a conversation with people we barely know and at the same time ignore someone very close and real.

Al Lapkovsky


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