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Paris Photo 2016 : Teun Hocks at Paci Contemporary


“Teun Hocks, Untitled” mainly focus on the most recent works of Teun Hocks. The solo show at Paris Photo is an opportunity to see the work of the Dutch photographer from an overall perspective, observing his latest creations in dialogue with the rest of his production, following the echo of the great retrospective exhibition that  just ended at the CODA Museum in the Netherlands.

Hocks work is originated by the so-called “preliminary sketches” or small sketches in watercolor or pencil that anticipate the finished work. At this point he constructs a real set in which he himself takes part, becoming the character to be interpreted. The next step is a series of self-portraits in polaroid from which, if satisfied with the result, he will produce eight black and white photographs and, after observing the negatives, he will choose the final image to print. The last phase of his particular way of working is to hand-paint with tempera or oil the surface of the photographic print.

Hocks’ production deals with important themes concealed by a thin veil of humor that makes easy to understand the ironical perspective. As a matter of fact, the photographs create a kind of dialogue that leads the viewer to mock these figures at times clumsy and funny, who are nothing but a manifestation of ourselves, a kind of mask that we use to disguise our being unfit and that we project onto the others.

Teun Hocks – Paci Contemporary, Booth A27
At Paris Photo 2016
November 10 to 13, 2016
Grand Palais
Paris, France

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