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Photo Books

Discover our selection of the latest photo books, artists’s book and photography catalogues. International publishers’ releases are listed in our global agenda that is managed by our team of photo enthusiasts and professional photographers.

Nu Som, Nudescapes

Influenced by the constantly thinning line between freedom and privacy, Nu Som’s nudes are filled with evocative artistry and political sentiments. For the first […]…

PhotoRx: Pharmacy in Photography Since 1850

From the sixth century BCE to modern times, pharmacology has been esteemed, both for the pragmatic purpose of healing the body and for its […]…

Lieko Shiga, Blind Date

Blind Date by Lieko Shiga starts with a gaze: a black-and-white shot of a young woman who leans forward against the back of a […]…

Dorothy-Shoes, ColèresS Planquées

Recognized for her work on photographic intimacy in prison, photographer Dorothy-Shoes has developed challenging and socially engaging work that establishes a constant reflexion on […]…

2017, AFP’s photo choice

This year, Agence France-Presse presents the work of the its photojournalists in a different light. Alongside the award-winning images, AFP has included the words […]…

Amelia Allen, Naked Britain

As a fashion photographer, British Amelia Allen works in an industry obsessed with body image, one that focuses on the most flattering way of […]…

Martin Parr, Think of Scotland

From Irn Bru to the desolate beauty of the remote Scottish Islands, British photographer Martin Parr captures the nuance and the clichés that form […]…

n°3 la revue femmesPHOTOgraphes

Based on the observation that women artists representation remains too limited and equal to the place reserved to them in society in general, the […]…


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