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Photo Books

Discover our selection of the latest photo books, artists’s book and photography catalogues. International publishers’ releases are listed in our global agenda that is managed by our team of photo enthusiasts and professional photographers.

Rinko Kawauchi: Halo

In recent years, Rinko Kawauchi’s exploration of the cadences of the everyday has begun to swing farther afield from her earlier photographs focusing on […]…

Greg Girard – Hotel Okinawa

Japan’s southernmost prefecture, Okinawa, hosts a concentration of US military bases unlike anywhere outside the continental United States. More than half the 50,000 US […]…

Gianluca Galtrucco – For Your Consideration

For Your Consideration: Los Angeles as cinematic mirage Like no other city in the world, Los Angeles encourages the observer to play with illusions—and […]…

The Japanese Photobook

This book illustrates the development of photography as seen in photo publications in Japan—from the time of influence by European and American pictorialism, the […]…


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