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Swiss Life 4 Hands Prize 2020-2021 Call for entries

The call for projects is open from Monday 1st July to Friday 1st November 2019. The candidates will have to form a duet and propose a photography and music project,…

PX3 2019 winner’s exhibition

Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris is proud to organize the 13th winner’s exhibition at the Espace Beaurepaire, from Tuesday 9th till Sunday 14th of July, 2019.…

Auction sale in Arles

For the seventh consecutive year, in association with the auction house of Yann Le Mouël, the Lumière des roses gallery offers a photography auction in which a number of anonymous…

Michel Soskine Inc Summer Exhibition

Michel Soskine Inc presents Peter Beard, Laurence Demaison, Michiko Kon, Henry de Monfreid, Abelardo Morell and Jerry Uelsmann in its summer exhibition from June 7th to July 27th, 2019.…

Bohumil Štěpán at L’Atelier d’Artistes

L’Atelier d’Artistes has the pleasure to present eighty photocollages, drawings, and albums of the unknown Czech artist Bohumil Štěpán (1913-1985) made mainly in the years 60-70.…

Moon gallery’s new exhibition in Arles

After a first exhibition at the Beaurepaire gallery in Paris in March 2016, Moon Gallery is taking part this year at the Rencontres de la Photographie in Arles in Espace++…

Swiss Life 4 Hands Prize re-invents itself

With its 4th edition, the Swiss Life Foundation has chosen to reinvent its Prize. It opens the selection of artists at the national level and keeps the Prize alive over…


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