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PhotographyPortfolios of readers

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates its edition to the portfolios of its readers. This section is our online gallery for photographers presenting their work. You will find here a selection of the best portfolios. This is an opportunity for photographers around the world to broadcast their work and share their vision.

Lei Davis

Dark sky, deep sea I’m a Filipino artist based in France. I use photography to express and project my inner world. Largely self-taught, my […]…

Holger Hoffmann

The Houses of the Kassena The Kassena are animists and live in the border region of Burkina Faso and Ghana. Holger Hoffmann visited them […]…

Jérôme Dubuis

Dreams DREAMS takes us on a dreamlike journey, combining images of dreams and their hosts. Back in the reality of the dawning day, these […]…

Miguel David

Speculations A few years ago, and after reading a study of Plato’s Cave … I started with the “P N T” Project. The final […]…

Anne Franski

Small meets large Initially, these were light rays photographed over the last two winters around my bedroom. After turning off the central light, Iʼai […]…

Antonio Nardo

The Big Oak In the hills around Reggio Emilia there are some very picturesque paths that lead to a tree called “The Big Oak.” […]…

Nicolas Baudouin

Anecdotes Photography has always had a privileged relationship with the anecdotal. Didn’t Nicéphore Niepce simply choose the view of the roofs offered from the […]…

Gabriele Viertel

Liquide phenomenon I photograph human in water for more than ten years. This idiosyncratic element…that does not follow the normal rules of chemistry and behaves […]…

L. Mikelle Standbridge

Shoebox Stories (The Eclipse of Family Histories and Surrogate Memory Tropes) by L. Mikelle Standbridge FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS’ LIFE-LINE IS NARRATION Photography risks eclipsing our […]…


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