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PhotographyPortfolios of readers

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates its edition to the portfolios of its readers. This section is our online gallery for photographers presenting their work. You will find here a selection of the best portfolios. This is an opportunity for photographers around the world to broadcast their work and share their vision.

Jocelyn Lartigue

Mist I would like to share images of a region deserted by mass tourism in winter: chance encounters with a washed-up tree trunk suggesting […]…

Pepe Cañabete

Titan My TITAN SERIES is a series that began in 2013. The digital revolution had diminished my interest in photography and I needed to […]…

Biff Henrich

The Structure of Things Part 2: I am interested in the experiences that the camera process of photography creates. These largely abstract images in […]…

Jean-Jacques Flach

Fishermen, migrants in Thailand Tribute to the families of fishermen from the port of Khanom (Southern Thailand)! The preparation of their boat takes place […]…

Isabelle Françaix

Nasturtium anatomy This work began at the start of the first confinement, in March 2020. I planted nasturtium seeds outside my apartment windows and […]…

Christian Genin

Music-MusicS As a musician myself, I’m always at the heart of orchestras or close to them, on stage, backstage or in the street… Jazz […]…

Annie Gava

Manon’s horse On a wintry Wednesday, Manon’s horse went for a ride in Marseille’s oldest district, Le Panier, filled with color, thanks to its […]…

Maria Novello

The elegance of simplicity The interplay between light and shadow always creates something lyrical that shapes the environment, mingled with abstraction; everything becomes an […]…

Maximilien Schaeffer

Cherbourg. Alone. 2018. Change of assignment imposed by the institution. Deaf dialogue with HR. Brest or Paris requested. Transferred to Cherbourg. Relentless decision, intimidation, […]…

Maru Kuleshova

Rememory  For the past 9 years I have witnessed an invisible change in my mother and when verbal language was powerless and lost, we […]…


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