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Jean-Jacques Flach


Fishermen, migrants in Thailand

Tribute to the families of fishermen from the port of Khanom (Southern Thailand)!
The preparation of their boat takes place over several days with the fear of not forgetting anything; fuel oil, food, water, repairing nets, etc. everything needed to work and live in the Siam Sea.
Departure takes place regularly early in the morning, families are present to accompany sailors whose return is uncertain.
These men go on a fishing trip. The upcoming hunt is organized over more or less long periods ranging from 5 to 10 days.
This fleet of private boats sails under the Thai flag, but the majority of sailors on board are Burmese, because the shipowners have the unfortunate habit of going to the Burmese coast to enlist entire families.
Burmese fishermen are being promised a better life in Thailand, with easier living conditions…!
In absolute terms, this may be true, but once they arrive at their home port in the other neighboring country, these migrants are offered a cabin where several families will live in very close proximity.
The boats are very dilapidated and have no means of rescue. In the event of damage, you will have to rely on nearby boats at sea.
It very often happens that boats disappear due to bad weather or damage, no one will know the truth.
After a few days on the high seas, the boats arrive at the port at 4 a.m. Life comes to life, formidable logistics are organized, the fish must leave as quickly as possible for Bangkok in refrigerated trucks which is more than 10 hours away.
As soon as the fish comes out of the holds, the women form small groups. Tasks are distributed; selection or grading of fish. Others put them back in bins filled with ice cream. Thus packaged, they will be delivered to the capital’s markets.
Once all the catch has been removed from the boat and shipped, the fishermen collect the less noble fish which are not usable and cut them up, preparing them as bait for the next fishing campaign.

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