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The Eye of Photography offers a selection of renowned photographers or young talents in this section.

Garin Horner

Spiritual and Religious Diversity Project: A Photo-Ethnographic Study of Private Shrines & Altars The hidden expressions of spiritual and religious practices in people’s private […]…

Valérie Broquisse

Inventory Attempt of my broken, stained, cracked, emptied, holey, broken, ruined objects in 2018. They are the ordinary passengers in our daily lives. They […]…

Geoffrey Hiller

Welcome to BUS 75: HIDDEN PORTLAND, a photo/story blog that explores the great unknown of Portland via the #75 TriMet bus. This long, winding […]…

Send us your portfolios

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates itself to the portfolios of its readers. By publishing the best portfolios, the magazine enables photographers around the world […]…

Giorgio Palmas

A day with Marie Sophie Wilson-Carr Marie Sophie ’s house is exactly liker her, beautiful and unsettling. Normally, people choose houses without great imagination […]…

Arnaud Montagard

“All For Our Country” , Nevada, 2019. This series has been part of an ongoing project I started last May in the state of Nevada. […]…

Camille Robin

The wait – It’s a series of self-portraits about the body that is changing. That of a pregnancy. It’s taking ownership of these new […]…

Frank Verreyken

Death in Beauty : Skogskyrkogården Skogskyrkogården  (Swedish for “The Woodland Cemetery”) is a cemetery located in the Enskededalen district south of central Stockholm, Sweden. Its design, […]…

Solomon Brown

Les Enfants Du Paradis Perdu (Children of the Lost Paradise) “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a […]…


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