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The Eye of Photography offers a selection of renowned photographers or young talents in this section.

Julie Imbert

Blueprints of confinement From 17 March to 11 May 2020, French people have been confined. How ? Equipped with a sign, the Toulouse inhabitants tell […]…

J.F Julian

I take pictures of naked girls For 10 years I have been feeding correspondence with nude models around the world. During our trips and […]…

Korbinian Vogt

Korbinian Vogt was born in September 1995. His inspiration came from his personal experience and from his parents, who worked in the film industry. […]…

Michaela Lahat

The Act of Perpetuation These images of a family gathering in the mountains of Tuscany explore how we use photography to create parallel narratives […]…

Brian Hodges

Acholiland – Portraits of Resistance from Northern Uganda Conflict and violence have plagued much of Uganda since independence in 1962. The most protracted of […]…


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