
¨Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are¨ (Macchiavello) The Prince is a project about the life of an individual or many people contemplated through the…
My camera gives me courage. It allows me to look at things that scare me, to speak to strangers who don’t share my language and to connect with people whose…
After raising two children, Darren and Kim Wilson represent the changing roles of grandparenting in southeast Ohio. Following Kim’s daughter’s drug related custody forfeiture of her two children, Jenna and…
In the past decade America has become accustomed to viewing images of US troops involved in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. As media coverage of both prolonged conflicts begins…
Inspired by the French authorities' solution to move Romas from point A to point B, Romanian authorities planned and started forced evictions of Roma informal settlements in cities like Cluj-Napoca…
Growing up in Virginia, my childhood field trips were to cigarette factories and civil war battlegrounds, with a brown bag lunch in tow. As a young girl I could often…
The exteriors of the houses and apartment blocks display a multitude of open wounds. The holes made by machine-gun fire and the white blotches of concrete, used to fill up…
“Before the war our life was good, we had four little girls. I learned to farm when I was a girl in Somalia. We got separated when the war came…