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All archives of The Eye of Photography are classified by theme in this section. It contains various articles about photography art, exclusive interviews of famous photographers, an economic section, public or private collections presentations along with the latest trends in the photography world which are to be discovered in the magazine.

Condemned : Robin Hammond

On October 17th, 2013  Condemned by Robin Hammond, winner of the 2013 FotoEvidence Book Award will be released. The book is launched in conjunction with an exhibit of Robin’s  and…

Arthur Aubert : Photographisme

This month, Arthur Aubert presents his photographs in the salon  of the private Bank Swiss Life, place Vendome in Paris. The themes of his work are the Man (Woman), Being, materials, nudity…

Sebastiao Salgado: Genesis After the United Kingdom, Brazil, Italy, Canada and Switzerland, the exhibition « Genesis » by Sebastião Salgado is presented in France.  The 245 occupy three floors of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie. 8…

Nathan Benn’s Kodachrome Memory

In this new book by former National Geographic photographer Nathan Benn, images that were considered pedestrian at the time they were shot, now take on historical significance as they capture…

Le Roman de Daguerre

Finally, a biographical novel about Daguerre! The Italian historian Ennery Taramelli has just produced the first biographical novel of the great Daguerre. Today the artist and inventor is unfairly maligned…


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