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Find here our coverage of all the photographic prizes, the calls for applications, the interviews of the laureates, the sums allocated, the links to the registration forms.

Overseas Press Club award

The Overseas Press Club of America announces its four photography awards : Tyler Hicks wins The Robert Capa Gold Medal Award (Best published photographic) reporting from abroad requiring exceptional courage…

Paris Photo LA 2014

Los Angeles plays on its international stature particularities to define its place on the art market, and the publisher BlindSpot presents at the occasion of Paris Photo LA an engaging…

CHIPP 2014

In the War & Disaster category, the following photographers have been awarded : Wang Yixuan (Gold, single), Philippe Lopez (Silver, single), Kevin Frayer (Gold, stories) and KM Asad (Silver, stories).…

CHIPP 2014

In the category People in the News & Portraits, the following photographers have been awarded : Andrey Svitailo (Gold, single), Kevin Lamarque (Silver, single), Alkis Konstantinidis (Gold, stories) and Valery Melnikov (Silver, stories).…

CHIPP 2014: Science,

In the category Science, Technology & Culture, two photographers have been awarded: Tatiana Plotnikova (Gold, stories) and Per-Anders Pettersson (Silver, stories).…

CHIPP 2014

In the Portrait category, four photographers have been awarded : Valery Melnikov (Gold, single), Yin Yonghong (Silver, single), Vladimir Vyatkin (Gold, stories) and Qiu Yan (Silver, stories).…

CHIPP 2014

In the Daily Life category, the following photographers have been awarded : Katie Orlinsky (Gold, Single), Marko Djurica (Silver, Single), Kaveh Rostamkhani (Gold, Stories) and Ami Vitale (Silver, Stories).…

CHIPP 2014

In the Sport category, the following photographers have been awarded : Daniel Sannum Lautem (Gold, single), Albert Gea (Silver, single), Jia Guorong (Gold, stories) and Pazyar (Silver, stories).…

CHIPP 2014

In the category Nature & Environment, the following photographers have been awarded: Wang He (Gold, single), Wang Qibo (Silver, single), Daniel Beltra (Gold, stories) and Ami Vitale (Silver, stories).…

CHIPP 2014

In the General News category, the following photographers have been awarded: Christophe Simon (Gold, Single), Stefan Wermuth (Silver, Single), Daniel Berehulak (Gold, Stories) and Mauricio Lima (Silver, Stories).…


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