Louis Dalmas created one of the most dynamic photographic press agencies after the Second World War. Endowed with extraordinary energy, he could have made […]…
Author Michel Puech
Brigitte Huard, director of phototography for Figaro Magazine and Ça m’intéresse, a personality from the world of photojournalism, died on Monday March 25, 2020. […]…
The press agency of Reporters Associés is part, with APIS, Dalmas, Europress and some others, of the photo agencies who were created in the […]…
On April 2, 2020, at the age of 91, photographer André Sas died in Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (Val de Marne). In October 2019, Mohamed Lounès, of […]…
The situation of photographers and agencies was already catastrophic, this current crisis has just made it worse. The acceleration of history is mind-blowing. The […]…
M.Y.O.P. are the initials from a poem by Paul Eluard: “My eyes patient object / were forever open / on the expanse of the […]…
Founded more than half a century ago in Germany, the agency AKG Images (Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte: Archive for Art and History) is established […]…
The Sipa Press news agency, named after its founder Göksin Sipahioglu, was created in 1973 in Paris. It is one of the “Three enemy […]…
The press photo agency Andia founded in December 1990 is based in Brittany in Pacé. It is recovering from the financial difficulties it encountered […]…