In search of the past time This series of 15 photographs was taken in a single room in the family home before it was […]…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
Intersections The number three is considered special in many cultures and Russian is not an exception. We all remember folktales from childhood: three heads […]…
Cologne Cathedral Lumen Fidei – Photo-Qubits From a light-mystical perspective, Cologne Cathedral, a major work of cathedral Gothic, whose walls are largely dissolved in […]…
Everything Lay Still Photography has always been a controversial medium as a form of expression, with probably too much controversy throughout his history, especially […]…
Father figure “Those who do not have a father must find one for themselves.” F. Nietzsche. My project is an attempt to see, approach, […]…
Fragments These photos were taken in the popular districts of North-Eastern Paris. Nicolas Baudouin …
We certainly missed the light of the projectors on the giant screen in Perpignan, but in September this year the lights should be on […]…
This new book published by Damiani is trove of unseen and uncommon Ansel Adams photographs, assembled by Mike Mandel from archival collections and with […]…
Following the birth of his son Atlas, Christopher Anderson stepped away from war photography, turning his camera towards intimate reflections of family life, resulting […]…