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Author fanny-leroy

Regardez Voir : Cédric Gerbehaye

Every week, L’Oeil de la Photographie presents the radio program Regardez voir, produced by Brigitte Patient on France Inter. This week, Interview with Cédric Gerbehaye, belgian photographer who speaks about…

Regardez Voir : Mat Jacob and Chiapas

Every week, L’Oeil de la Photographie presents the radio program Regardez voir, produced by Brigitte Patient on France Inter. This week, Interview with Mat Jacob, photographer founder of the "Tendance…

Regardez Voir : Françoise Huguier

Every week, L’Oeil de la Photographie presents the radio program Regardez voir, produced by Brigitte Patient on France Inter. This week, Intervew with Françoise Huguier, ambassadress of the African photography.…

Regardez voir : Patrick Bard, Mon neveu Jeanne

Every week, L’Oeil de la Photographie presents the radio program Regardez voir, produced by Brigitte Patient on France Inter. This week, Intervew with Patrick Bard, photographer, writer, roadologist... is in…

Regardez Voir : Photography in Chile

Every week, L’Oeil de la Photographie presents the radio program Regardez voir, produced by Brigitte Patient on France Inter. This week, Intervew with Patrice Loubon, curator and Chile lover and…

Regardez Voir : Bettina Rheims

Every week, L’Oeil de la Photographie presents the radio program Regardez voir, produced by Brigitte Patient on France Inter. Today interview of French photographer Bettina Rheims, on the occasion…

Regardez Voir : Jacqueline Salmon

Every week, L’Oeil de la Photographie presents the radio program Regardez voir, produced by Brigitte Patient on France Inter. Today interview of French photographer Jacqueline Salmon, on the occasion of…


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