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Author fanny-leroy

Regardez voir : Taryn Simon

Every week, L’Oeil de la Photographie presents the radio program Regardez voir, produced by Brigitte Patient on France Inter. Meeting with Taryn Simon.…

Regardez voir: Denis Bourges, photographer

Le photographe Denis Bourges est  l'un des fondateurs du collectif "Tendance floue". Entre 2000 et 2009,  il suit, en Bretagne, deux médecins de campagne, son père et le successeur de…

Regardez voir : Pieter Hugo

Every week, L’Oeil will present you with an episode of Regardez voir, produced by Brigitte Patient on France Inter. For the first episode, a look back at an interview with Pieter…

Regardez voir : Grégoire Korganow

Every week, L’Oeil de la Photographie will present the radio program on photography Regardez voir, produced by Brigitte Patient on France Inter. This week, an interview with  Grégoire Korganow, a photographer…

Regardez voir : Sarah Moon

Every week, L’Oeil will present you with an episode of Regardez voir, produced by Brigitte Patient on France Inter. For the first episode, a look back at an interview with Sarah…


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