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Regardez Voir : Photography in Chile


Every week, L’Oeil de la Photographie presents the radio program Regardez voir, produced by Brigitte Patient on France Inter. This week, Intervew with Patrice Loubon, curator and Chile lover and Léonora Vicuna, Chilean photographer who escaped dicatorship. Together they speak about photography in Chile.

Available only in French.

Faces cachées
Photographie chilienne 1980-2015
12th February – 30th April 2016
Maison de l’Amérique Latine
217, Bd Saint Germain 75007 Paris

Faces cachées, Photographie chilienne 1980-2015, Ed. Negpos
La ciudad de los fotografos, a movie from Sebastian Moreno DVD

Regardez voir by Brigitte Patient
On Sunday at 11.30pm on French radio France Inter.
In partnership with L’Oeil de la Photographie

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