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Andras Ikladi

Something looming in the shadows
1. An evil spirit that lies on persons in their sleep, especially one that has sexual intercourse with women while they are sleeping
2. One that oppresses or burdens like a nightmare
Inspired by arcane texts of medieval sorcery, Incubus explores witchcraft through a contemporary surreal lens, weaving together the gritty realism of photography with the haunting symbolism of medieval art. Each diptych acts as a portal, using the familiar to reveal the unseen. Utilizing the “third effect” of paired images, Incubus invites viewers to decipher the connections and construct their narratives. Incubus challenges the viewer to confront their preconceived notions of the photographic image as a document of reality. Instead, it pushes the viewer to consider the camera as a tool for probing the depths of the human imagination and fear. The diptychs in Incubus present a chiaroscuro of light and darkness, evoking the spiritual struggle that underlies the human experience. This exploration reveals a hidden, otherworldly dimension that lies beneath the surface of the vernacular, leaving a sense of unease that lingers in the mind.

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