In the course of my photographic explorations, in this now half century since 1970, I have continuously appropriated from an entire visual universe, both […]…
Author abe-frajndlich-2
Bukowski broke literary molds. By the early 1940s, when he started on his literary path as a poet and a novelist, the American literature […]…
I open my new book with the words, “New York is a kaleidoscope through my eyes multifaceted and complex and ambiguous but certainly awe […]…
Over the past 50 years I have built a reputation in photography through my exhibitions and portraits of famous people in the world of […]…
A half century ago in Cleveland, when I did not even know there was such a thing as an ArtWorld, or a PhotoWorld, I […]…
En 1975, ayant terminé mon premier ouvrage Figments avec l’aide de Minor White, qui m’a aidé à le finaliser et le mettre en forme, j’ai demandé à Nathan de rédiger…
In focus Gallery is curating a double exhibition at Castle Kolvenburg - Billerbeck in the community Coesfeld.Marilyn Monroe in the view of famous photographers and Abe Frajndlich - Masters of…