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The Eye Photography: World Photography Art History, Latest News and Photography Events

The Eye of Photography is the ultimate digital magazine where everything about photography art is published daily, highlighted, discussed and archived for all professionals and amateurs, in English and French. Its Agenda compiles the most comprehensive selection of photography events in the world (photography exhibitions, art fairs, awards, lectures, workshops…).

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Masséna Museum : Mirkine by Mirkine : Cinema Photographers

The City of Nice invites you to discover the exhibition « Mirkine par Mirkine : Photographes de Cinéma » at the Musée Masséna. Irreplaceable witnesses of a great era of French cinema, intimately linked to the City of Nice and to the Studios de la Victorine for which they played a major role, Léo and Siki Mirkine (father and son) have built in half a century a collection of rare and…

Galerie Incarnato : Jean-Michel Leligny : Q u a r a n t e

40 years 14,610 days 350,640 hours 21,038,400 minutes 1,262,304,000 seconds Jean-Michel Leligny was born to a woman in her forties. A few years later, she ended her life. He wanted in this work associating a still wild nature and these portraits of naked women, to pay homage to her, but also to question this symbolic moment which corresponds, in our time and in our society, to the living environment. He…

Sylvie Tachot-Goavec

As I imagine your lives, between Land and Sea… I invite you to escape with me to a little corner of paradise, Located between countryside and the sea, two particularly magical and attractive places, the place is conducive to a beautiful quality of life between activities and reveries. Man and Nature are closely linked, I catch what I see and what my glance creates, on the border of the real…


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