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The Eye Photography: World Photography Art History, Latest News and Photography Events

The Eye of Photography is the ultimate digital magazine where everything about photography art is published daily, highlighted, discussed and archived for all professionals and amateurs, in English and French. Its Agenda compiles the most comprehensive selection of photography events in the world (photography exhibitions, art fairs, awards, lectures, workshops…).

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La Belle Étoile* : EST Galerie : Liu Tao

Liu Tao is from Jiangxi Province in China. Only child of a family kept apart for excessive independence of spirit, he found refuge first in graffiti, then in photography. His series A Weak Road revealed him to the public in 2012, he exhibited at the age of 27 in Beijing then in Paris and won numerous prizes. Since then, he has produced more than fifteen solo exhibitions, including the Hungry…

Deborah Bell Photographs : Elaine Mayes : Haight-Ashbury Portraits 1967-1968

Deborah Bell Photographs presents Elaine Mayes: Haight-Ashbury Portraits 1967-1968, an exhibition of vintage prints of portraits the photographer made in the now-legendary San Francisco neighborhood called Haight-Ashbury. Celebrating the recent publication by Damiani of the book by FotoFocus Artistic Director and Curator Kevin Moore, Elaine Mayes: Haight Ashbury Portraits 1967-1968, the exhibition opens November 17 and will be on view through March 4, 2023. This is the first monograph of…

Weiss Publications - Spector Books : Helga Paris

An appreciation of Helga Paris’s photography reached a wider audience than ever before with a 2019 major retrospective in Berlin, the city where she lived and worked. An exhibition at Kicken Berlin at the end of the following year confirmed the realization that Helga Paris’s work was of considerable and intrinsic interest. Now, two books of her portrait photography in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) make clear that the enduring…


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