Out of a drawer, on one side are “Polaroid” prints of personal images as improbable as they are intimate in their expression, on the other side a collection of used and decrepit shooting targets in more ways than one.
There you have all these testimonies inviting themselves in a kind of planetary dance of circumstance. The wisest thing is to let the creator and director of this set, with his famous poetic pen, Jean Marie Gleize, explain his path.
“There is the question of images.
The cult of images, the “wonderful images”, the beautiful pages in the beautiful books, the stanzas. Hypnosis.
And then there are the video walls, the continuous flow of images, the saturated full screen. In response to what, very early on, I opposed writing, poetry after poetry, poetry without images. Hard and straight, or flat, or neutral. I know it “doesn’t exist”, but the images insist, penetrating, haunting, dominant. And noisy.
The targets were nailed to the branches of the trees in the walled garden, square like a sheet of paper. Some on the ground, already dirty and crumpled in the grass. Fired with live ammunition, pierced all the way to the bareness of the cardboard. And it was like shooting the pictures, going through them violently, destroying them. And I picked up the targets, took them away to tear them up, glued the fragments back together, smeared them with red ink (the blood of pictures and words).
And the targets in turn sank into the mists of time, lost between the pages of a file and found much later, as though intact, witnesses of a moment when the body was engaged, in this conflict of words. and images ”.
Ecrit par Thierry Maindrault
Jean-Marie Gleize : Les Cibles
from April 17 until May 22, 2021 from 11h30 am to 07h00 pm
publisher – gallery – bookstore
8 rue vian, 13006 MARSEILLE (FRANCE)