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Von Lintel Gallery : Lucia Engstrom : Lovers & Dreamers


Von Lintel Gallery presents its inaugural solo exhibition with Lucia Engstrom with these words.

Her series Lovers & Dreamers is a study of ethereal landscapes that integrate hand embroidered details to push the traditional boundaries of photography. Her lifelong passion for storytelling is palpable in each frame through her skillful use of light, color, and texture.

The combination of her Scandinavian heritage, global travels, and an unyielding adoration for the environment instills a distinct narrative into Engstrom’s work. Her compositions exceed representational photography, weaving a visual diary that tells of her exploration of artistic mediums and natural wonders. By delicately embroidering her photographs using organic threads like silk, mohair, and wool, Engstrom transforms these two-dimensional images into textured masterpieces.

Lovers & Dreamers is a collection of light-filled and poetic images, from messy, wild, and tangled florals to hazy and dreamlike treescapes. Nature is alive, existing and thriving beyond the frame of a photograph. The needlework adds layers of depth and emotion to each image, creating works of art that demand to be felt as well as seen.


Lucia Engstrom : Lovers & Dreamers
Until March 23rd, 2024
Von Lintel Gallery
Bergamot Station
2525 Michigan Ave Unit A7
Santa Monica, CA 90404
phone +1 310 559 5700

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