When living makes you suffer
This project talks about all women and about the feelings inside them, when loving makes suffer.
Anger, desperation,isolation,loneliness, depression, fragility but also THE LOST INNOCENCE and THE LOST TRUST when woman feels pain inside the relationship. ( That’s why at the centre of the project – there is a different colored and moody picture. Pic number 8 talks about the lost innocence and trust in a love relationship from the woman’s prospective).
They are exposed to disappointments and love wounds, often because they lack the inner protection that can only arise from an intimate connection with themselves.
Women often not only suffer for love but suffer violence, as clearly emerged in this period of time. They think they are never perfect enough, attractive enough, capable enough. They believe they are not able to live without their man, even if he doesn’t respect them, even if he doesn’t value them, even if he doesn’t support them…
Women of any age face the pain of love on a daily basis, of relationships lived in anguish, of suffering the fear of abandonment. I think the only way to love without getting hurt and without suffer violence is to center yourself, connect to your own inner power.
Once this contact has occurred, the relationship with the masculine becomes the possibility of a common balance and not the compensation for one’s weaknesses.