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Visa pour l’Image 2024 : Visa d’or awards, grants and awards : The Winners


Here are the Visa pour l’Image 2024 winners of the Visa d’or awards, grants and awards.
193,000 Euros are awarded to talented photojournalists during the professional week of Visa pour l’Image. This generosity would not be possible without the commitment and support from partners.

Mahmud Hams / AFP is the 2024 winner of the Visa d’or News. For the first time, the Visa pour l’Image – Perpignan association is offering a prize of 8,000 euros to the winner of the Visa d’or News. The winner is Mahmud Hams / AFP for his report on Gaza.

Among the other winners of the various Visa d’or categories we find: Katie Orlinsky, Loay Ayyoub, Pierre Faure / Hans Lucas, Hugh Kinsella Cunningham, Amaury Hauchard & Michele Cattani, Paula Bronstein, The New York Times / Samar Abu Elouf…

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