My sheds, my barns, my fields, my workshop, my silo: why travel hundreds, thousands of kilometers when everything is right here before my very eyes.
From dawn to dusk, through each passing season, no matter what the weather, I always have a piece of chalk in my pocket to delineate the movements of the sun and capture the interplay of light and shade.
My camera accompanies me as I work on the farm, and my eyes constantly survey my surroundings. Looking differently at my environment is not simply about seeing what others seem to miss – it is also my own private hideaway, an obsessional attempt to come to terms with nature; the two of us together, face to face, alone,
What surrounds me may strike some as being trivial, insignificant, even banal. Nothing could be further from the truth. Everything is vital to me, as vital as the smallest pebble on a private island of which I were the sole protector.