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Sacha Goldberger : Louis CXIV


Louis CXIV : A Visionary Fusion of History and Science Fiction

With his series “Louis CXIV”, Sacha Goldberger invites us on a fascinating journey through time, where the elegance of Louis XIV’s court meets a vision of the future. This project, born from a passion for history and a conversation with a member of the Château de Versailles association, represents one of the artist’s most ambitious and accomplished works. Over three years, Sacha and his team reinvented the future of the Sun King and his court, drawing inspiration from the writings and knowledge of the era, such as Cyrano de Bergerac, La Fontaine, and others, while transforming them into retro-futuristic characters.


A Meeting of Two Eras

The title “Louis CXIV” itself is a play on the continuity between past and future, symbolizing the fusion of two worlds. In this series, the characters are dressed in sumptuous costumes inspired by the 17th century, re-designed with a futuristic vision, creating a striking contrast. You can see a Grand Siècle futurist version of R2-D2, Lully with his four arms and double violin. Each photo is a complex work where the past and science fiction collide, with historical references reimagined through a futuristic lens.


A Reinvention of Louis XIV’s Court

This project goes far beyond simple photography. Sacha Goldberger has created an entire universe, imagining the future of Louis XIV’s court with remarkable precision and detail. Alongside historical figures like Louis XIV, Monsieur, Madame de Maintenon, Molière, and Marie Mancini, are fictional characters from other planets, showcasing the boundless audacity and imagination of the artist and his team. Among these reinterpretations, you’ll find celebrities such as Matthieu Chedid embodying Lully, or Pierre Richard playing the role of Mazarin, adding even more life to these portraits.


A Global and Multimedia Artistic Project

What truly sets “Louis CXIV” apart from other photographic projects is its scope. It’s not just a series of photographs, but a comprehensive artistic project. In addition to large-format prints, Goldberger and his team have imagined and created a collection of futuristic objects made for the series, numerous costumes, and even a perfume, enhancing the viewer’s immersion in this hybrid universe. The project also includes a film, epistolary exchanges written by contemporary writers, and a collection of Lully’s music reinterpreted by Matthieu Chedid, creating a fully multisensory experience.


A Dialogue on Universal Themes

Beyond the aesthetics, “Louis CXIV” tackles deep contemporary themes such as the games of love and power, and the duality between tradition and retro-futuristic vision. By reconstructing the court of Louis XIV with personalities from our time, Sacha questions the persistence of power dynamics, fashion, and the representation of power across centuries. The series also raises questions about fiction and narrative while paying homage to the art of portraiture as it was practiced in the 17th century.


A Work Between Tradition and Innovation

This series is undoubtedly one of Sacha Goldberger’s most accomplished projects, reflecting his deep commitment to creating works that not only captivate the eye but also engage the mind. This project, rooted in a dialogue between the past and an imaginary future, invites reflection on how historical narratives can be reinterpreted and how art can transcend eras to remain relevant. With “Louis CXIV,” Sacha Goldberger successfully offers us a vision where imagination intertwines with history.

In sum, “Louis CXIV” is not just a photographic series; it is an artistic statement on the continuity of history and the importance of creativity in our understanding of the past and present. This series perfectly illustrates Sacha Goldberger and his team’s ability to transform history into a visual playground where audacity and imagination reign supreme.

Carole Schmitz

Instagram: sachagoldberger

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