Broadcasted from the 1980 Olympics, these images unfold a story around the character of Natalya – gymnast – and her mysterious relations with other girls in competition. Focusing on the outfield of the event, the language of the body, the severity of faces, postures ambiguity allows us to imagine teenagers’ dramas. There is romance. Close-up views lead closer to an underground privacy. The shock sequences pursue the idea of a hole in the story, and divert the documentary value of the source images to fiction. Pixellisation tells a faulty memory, nostalgia, necessarily disorder and fiction.
Pauline Hisbacq
2013 – 46 photograms
Natalya by Pauline Hisbacq, is also the subject of a book and an exhibition. Signatures and show opening on Thursday, September 15, 2016 from 6PM at the following venue:
Atelier Les Rapides
19 rue des Frigos