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Patrick Forget : Terre Fragile


Terre Fragile, an artistic project campaigning to save the planet.

Often, a great project is born from a meeting, an exchange, a common desire. Fragile Earth is one of them. A few years ago, friends invited me to an evening at the office of the Colibri effect, an association very active in the environment field.

For its members, the clear observation: “In recent decades, our lifestyles have changed the great balances of the Earth. The climate changes and living things adapt, migrate or disappear. The world is torn between economic interests and the climate crisis, but today’s choices are shaping our future existence on the planet. Together, we have thought about a way to make the youngest aware of the issues of global warming. I then proposed an artistic project to challenge the fragility of the Earth, but also to cultivate the imagination and awareness of everyone with the Earth as the main element of everyday life shaped by the hand of Man.

At BarrObjectif, levitating images

My desire was to build an original and militant photographic exhibition to reflect on the impact of Man on our planet. Of course, the work is conceptual. Each creation works as a light on an issue, a risk or a hope. For the staging of my ideas, I called on the talent of Alain Hemet, specialist in photo retouching, to sublimate some of my creations. After passing through the media libraries and schools in the Paris region, the first returns were very promising, the children very reactive. Distribution quickly expanded: the Earth workshops in Deauville, the Pollutec fair, the Necker hospital and in several photographic festivals. First at BarrOb Objectif in Charente where my images ended up in the middle of a river. They seemed to levitate above the water, an ideal setting for reflecting in lush greenery. Then, I was the guest of honor at the Moncoutant festival in Deux-Sèvres. Around the castle, public awareness seemed very real.

The stamps of COP21 “Act for the climate”

But my greatest reward was seeing my images selected by La Poste (the post office) to make a booklet of collectors’ stamps “Act for the climate” on the occasion of the COP21 in Paris, the United Nations conference on climate change. Today, I am looking for partners, a gallery and places to exhibit and continue to bring to life this artistic project committed to raising awareness. People who would like to show themselves by my side in a responsible approach. The current health crisis reminds us how fragile the Earth is, but also the human species. Successfully showing these images, promoting them, distributing them, is taking action for the future of our children.

Between major reports and editions, the photographer Patrick FORGET posed, for more than twenty-five years, his curious, tender and colorful look on the environment, the rural world, the firefighters and the men who shape and animate the planet. His photos and reportages are published by Figaro Magazine, GEO, Le Point, Marie-Claire, Notre Temps, Gallimard, Hachette …

A founding member of the Sagaphoto agency, he manages the distribution of images of around fifteen photographers. Drawing on his experience, he now advises large companies and institutions in the organization of photo libraries, communication works or corporate productions.

He is also the founder of publishing houses: Éditions du Délice and Éditions Sagamédias. Specializing in culinary, heritage and tourism, the publishing houses are aimed at chefs, municipalities, local institutions or regions. The last published works are Dreux, Maintenon, Paray-le-Monial and the Royal Valley of the Eure with the collaboration of Stéphane Bern.

His images have been exhibited at Visa pour l’Image, at the Carrousel du Louvre, at the Salon de l’Agriculture, au Sénat and more recently at the photo festivals of Barrobjectif and Moncoutant with the artistic project “Terre fragile”, an activist exhibition to give food for thought. to the impact of man on the planet. In addition, Patrick also organizes the RUGL’ART festival in Normandy, an intergenerational and multicultural festival dedicated to the inhabitants of his commune.


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