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Festival de Photographie(s) MAP Toulouse : Laurent Moynat : The dining room still life of family meals


Laurent Moynat is exhibited at the Festival de Photographie(s) MAP Toulouse. This work is the result of the “grande commande” from the Ministère de la Culture and the BnF.

Born in 1970, Laurent Moynat became a photographer after graduating in 1992 from ETPA. When Laurent began his career in 1993, he received two significant distinctions: the Major Ilford book and the Broncolor prize in Arles.
Today, Laurent shares his life between Paris and Toulouse, where he created Studio Lucette in 2011 with a team of professional photographers. A place which constitutes a working tool but also a place of artistic exchange.
Attached to the land and its workers, his professional life is dedicated to local producers and cooks. Laurent works more broadly for those involved in everything that happens before the purchase where he goes to see the truffle grower and his dog, the young cutlery maker. His work revolves around sharing and the shared love of good food through which he travels with the palate. His most faithful commitment is reflected in the transmission of knowledge. Since 1999, Laurent has been a BTS Photography teacher at the ETPA school in Toulouse.


Food as a social mirror: still life of a sequence of meals around the fifteenth day of the month.

“How to put an end to the hunger of difficult months? » headlined Juliette Delage, Kim Hullot-Guiot and Pauline Moullot in the newspaper Libération on February 25, 2022.
We read about the difficulty of eating correctly both in terms of quality and quantity. An article which reveals that in the fall of 2021, 30% of French people are experiencing financial difficulties in eating healthily. Feed yourself, that is. But how?
The direct impact of what we could see as a societal problem takes the form of a new disease, that of “junk food”: NASH.
I am going to work on the portrait of a meal, lunch obviously as strong in societal representation as a portrait. The meal congests territorial ailments just like the heart of photography: the moment, the moment.
The here and now where we share, we cry and we laugh together.

Laurent Moynat 


Festival de Photographie(s) MAP Toulouse
from September 12 to 29, 2024

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