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Jacques Borgetto, Evanescence


When Jacques Borgetto photographs Japan, he takes snapshots and swaps black and white for color, at least partially. Welcome to his Japanese photos, just as poetic and mysterious as haikus.

South America, Africa, Tibet, China… Jacques Borgetto is what one would call a travel photographer fascinated by landscapes and large spaces. A photographer also attached to reality, he predominantly shoots in black and white. This is shown in his works on the settling of nomads from the highlands of China and Tibet and his series titled “L’autre versant du monde” [“The Other Side of the World”] taken in Argentina and Chile, the countries of his ancestors. So, it is a surprise to see his Japan in Polaroid (Impossible Project), half in color and half in black and white.

This photographic ramble in this country still endowed in mystery for us is seen as an intimate journal.The work is delicate , like the book itself, small format with Japanese binding, published by Filigranes Editions.

Sophie Bernard

Jacques Borgetto, Evanescence
English/French text by Laura Serani
Published by Filigranes, 25 euros

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