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Invitation to the opening speech of L’IMAGE_SATELLITE 2023


The L’IMAGE_SATELLITE team invites you to take part in the festival’s opening-day events, which will take the form of a series of vernissages in the presence of the photographers, from the downtown galleries, starting at 3pm, all the way to the Grande Halle of the 109 – pole of contemporary cultures in Nice, with a nocturnal opening of the collective exhibition la chair et la pierre from 6pm to 10pm.

This nocturne will be punctuated by a film screening at 8.30pm in the new Pop-Up cinema at 109, set up by La Bande Passante, and feverishly animated by the LegoMyEgo mix from 9pm to midnight, in the Entre-Pont reception area!


la chair et la pierre
25 ans de festival

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