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Hamiltons Gallery : Nobuyoshi Araki : Hanaguruma II


Hamiltons Gallery presents Hanaguruma II with Polaroids and drawings by Nobuyoshi Araki until November 9. The gallery attached this text:

The exhibition comprises of twenty unique and largely unseen sumi ink drawings displayed alongside a selection of important polaroid photographs that explore the centrality of     the female figure in the artist’s practice.

Nobuyoshi Araki is one of Japan’s most renowned photographers and contemporary artists. Araki’s work is often controversial, but his artistic genius is undeniable.

He is most well-known for photographs of women bound according to the ancestral rules of Kinbaku – the Japanese art of bondage – a practice dating back to the 15th century.

Araki’s inspiration for these expressive ink drawings derives from his regular jaunts in Tokyo’s Shinjuku district at a bar named Hanaguruma, which translates to ‘Flower Carriage’.

The technique of sumi ink drawing first developed in Japan around the mid-14th Century and is the embodiment of Japanese aesthetic.


Nobuyoshi Araki : Hanaguruma II
Until November 9, 2024
Hamiltons Gallery
13 Carlos Place
London W1K 2EU
+44 (0) 207 499 9493

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