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Galerie Andréhn-Schiptjenko : Sabine Mirlesse : Voyant


Galerie Andréhn-Schiptjenko presents Voyant by Sabine Mirlesse until July 20.

Sabine Mirlesse, born in 1986, is a Franco-American artist who lives and works in Paris. Her research focuses on the visibility of thresholds and the interiority of the landscape, with a particular interest in the way in which geological sites are divined, interpreted and narrated. Weaving her way through stories and mineral cosmologies, Mirlesse’s multidisciplinary approach manifests itself through an accumulation of layers, complementing the sculpture with photography, installation, video and writing.

Geomancy etymologically refers to earth divination but finds its practical manifestation in many forms, from dowsing to the way a handful of earth falls to the ground. In this new exhibition, which follows years of ephemeral monumental installations in and activated by the landscape, Sabine Mirlesse invites us to consider what the “mancy” of geomancy might really mean – what it means to guess from the earth, or rather to read it. Through a series of sculptures and photographs, all made with the reading of the landscape in mind, Mirlesse offers a set of instruments to launch a reflection on the oracular and the human desire to make manifest something that is otherwise invisible, through forms inspired by etymologies and poetics.


Sabine Mirlesse
Until July 20, 2024
Galerie Andréhn-Schiptjenko
56 rue Chapon
75003 Paris

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