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Frédéric Gérard


Our beautiful Camargue, a treasure on borrowed time?

(Here is an overview of my work with 15 photographs. Full report 60 photographs).

“How beautiful is my Camargue”. I’ve said this phrase so many times since my earliest childhood. As a native of the magnificent Gard department, my parents introduced me to it at a very early age. This land of the Petite Camargue is very dear to my heart…

I wanted to immortalize this natural wonder, in which I have so many memories, with my own eye.
Through my photographs, I really want to help you discover it, as well as raise public awareness of the global warming that is affecting it. Future generations may never see it. Will it have disappeared under the waters by the end of this century? I don’t dare imagine it, but unfortunately it could be a reality. “What did a pink flamingo look like? “could be a question for centuries to come…

She saw me being born. I don’t want to see it die.

I’m very sensitive to the climate change affecting it.

Sea levels are rising by 3.6mm a year. By 2100, it could rise by more than a meter.
70% of the Camargue is less than one meter above sea level. In some places, the sea has already gained almost 200 meters.

At certain times of the year, high temperatures force people to stay indoors during the hottest hours of the day.

As temperatures rise, natural disasters intensify, destroying a lifetime’s work in a matter of minutes.

Global warming increases drought. Water scarcity has repercussions on agriculture, biodiversity, etc…

But what can we do?



Instagram : frederic_gerard_photo_nature

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