Fascinated by the shapes and colors that surround her, Florie Berger was first influenced by realistic and impressionist painting, sculpture and dance. His compositions are based on contrasts, solid colors, simple geometric shapes, and architectural lines.
Movement, whether human or not, is dominant in her work, she likes to animate, put in (dis) balance, and make “fly”. His second passion for cooking and the art of living today leads him to think of photographic series around the culinary art.
For Renversé (Reversed), she surrounds herself with Gaëlle Coz, in order to link set design and tableware in a cubist and surreal dimension. The colors are intense and deep to create a timeless effect, the shapes collide, the objects spin and are on the edge of the precipice.
Balance is a characteristic of the joint work between Florie and Gaëlle, as it had already been the case in their series Consommé (Consumed) in 2019.
Florie Berger is an artist photographer, she also works in visual animation and video.29
“Melancholy, femininity, poetry, the delicate, the organic, and then that time goes by”.