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Fabrice Lépissier: Story of a forgotten village


Springtime 1956, the arrival at Sainte-Livrade-sur-Lot of 1,200 French people from Indochina (of which 740 children) transformed the village’s military camp into a “Little Vietnam”. The village was supposed to be temporary, but 55 years later nothing has changed. This extraordinary story has been told by Fabrice Lépissier and journalist Marie-Lise Cans. She hasn’t found any publications, until now. You can read in the French version of La Lettre the story of this forgotten place.

Fabrice Lépissier, photographer
[email protected]
Marie-Lise Cans, journalist
Collectif Presse-ID
0033 6 67 49 79 53
[email protected]

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